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Gardens of the Downs is a self-funded not for profit organisation which allows the general public to view outstanding garden displays in our local community. 

It is aimed at promoting an awareness of the range of benefits to be gained from gardening.  With this in mind, admittance prices are kept to a minimum and visitors under 18 - the gardeners of the future - are admitted free of charge.  All monies generated are used to cover costs with the remainder being donated to charities.

Gardens of the Downs is an exciting concept aimed at all gardeners - novice and veteran. 


Previous  Events
November 2024         Garden of Ashley & Marie McEwan
July 2024                     Garden Art Weekend
March 2024                 Gardens of Wellcamp
June 2023                    Landscaping Day
April 2023                    Showcasing Pittsworth & Surrounds
October 2022              Gardens of Cabarlah & Ravensbourne
July 2022                     Garden Art Weekend
April 2022                    Gardens of Southbrook
March 2022                 Gardens of Condamine Plains
October 2021              Gardens of Brookstead
June 2021                    Landscaping Day
April 2021                    Showcasing Pittsworth & Surrounds
August 2019                Landscaping Day
October 2018              Gardens of Brookstead
July 2018                     Historic Leyburn & Pratten
May 2018                     Gardens of Jondaryan & Aubigny
March 2018                 Gardens of Brookstead & Bongeen
October 2017              Gardens of the Pittsworth District
July 2017                     Rose Day
May 2017                     Gardens of Hampton
                                      Bus Tour
2016                             Gardens of Greenmount
                                      Landscaping Day
                                      Gardens of Allora
                                      Gardens of Pittsworth
2015                              Gardens of Millmerran
                                      Rose Day

Coming  Events

Showcasing Pittsworth & Surrounds
Sat March 22nd

Goondiwindi Bus Trip
Wed 30th April

Garden Day
Wed July 9th


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